
In this Digital Age we’re accustomed to new technologies showing up, garnering fleeting attention, and fading without lasting impact.

Some emerging technologies settle in over time, their value well-understood and utilized to benefit thousands or millions of people. Then there’s a special class of epic technologies – inventions whose impact is transformative. Virtual Reality is such a technology.

We help enterprises and institutions by serving as

  • Strategic Consultants – exploring through R&D and discovering insights that inform design and development
  • Product Management Directors – forming and leading interdisciplinary teams of subject matter experts, designers and engineers to build and operate innovative solutions.

Helping organizations navigate the new worlds of the metaverse to realize transformative opportunities.

VR and its sibling technology, AR, are the pillars of a new paradigm in computing and communications: immersive technologies, aka “metaverse.”

Immersive technologies are transforming how we design and test, practice and learn, communicate and collaborate, and understand and empathize.

The major transformation with XR…

…is breaking free of flat screen disembodied interfaces —
into presentation forms that put us inside the content,
evoking a curious sense of presence,
and introducing interaction forms
that are embodied and more natural.
These unlock new possibilities for human-computer interaction,
and transformative possibilities for society.

Metaverse/XR Projects
2016 to Present

During the last 6 years I have led the design and production of several large-scale Metaverse/XR products with the following clients:

The transformative potential of XR calls for big thinking, a well-considered process and the agile cycle of iterating, testing and learning. At the same time, your organization gains the experience, expertise, and confidence to make larger investments as the tech matures.

The technology will continue to get smaller, faster, more capable, and less expensive. This being the case, now is the time to start your research and development experiments with XR.